Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Obamacare - Would You Like a Pony?

Nothing shows how far the United States has fallen from its promise more than healthcare. People in this country literally live or die depending on their class.
The aristocrats get the real ponies, and we get the worthless, pretty simulacrum

Change we can believe in!

Friday, October 02, 2009

Is President Obama Wearing Clothes?

Journalism committed in Britain.

Poor George W. He lost his mojo when he invade Iraq. Everybody knew the war was personal, based on lies and avarice.

W wanted the war so he could prove to Daddy (maybe to Mommy, too) that he was a man.

Cheney wanted the war so he could feed the Beast.

Still, it was an Emperor-has-no-clothes moment because everybody knew the above facts and nobody was willing to say so.

President Obama is in the midst of the clothes-or-no-clothes moment with health care.

Everybody knows the Senate Finance Committee is full of prostitutes.

Everybody knows that single-payer, Medicare for all, is the only just, efficient, beneficial way to provide health care to all citizens.

"Everybody" includes President Obama.

If a strong health care bill does not pass -- one that provides a way to break the hold insurance companies have on health care -- then Obama will have failed the clothes test.

He can say he's fixed health care all he wants. Everybody will know it isn't true. Everybody will know he isn't wearing clothes.

And they'll know it every day. The emperor has no clothes. Obama is all talk. His father's name wasn't Jor-El. And no, we can't.

(Breaking: Obama fails to bring the Olympics to Chicago.)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Eccentric vs Whacked Out

Now that she's no longer wanted in the world that made her a gazillionaire, she's ready for "public service."

I mean really. What further evidence do we need? America (insert air quotes) is so 19th Century.

Pay no attention to the fact Meg Whitman never gave a fkadoodle-do for government till she made her fortune (off the common people) and now she wants the power to keep that money from going to taxes (supporting the infrastructure that created all that wealth she then scooped up).

It's not just her. Arnold. Poizner. Issa -- there are tons of members of the I-got-mine/fk u crowd in there, making laws to cement their dynasties.

I don't fault these jokers for running. My contempt is for the people who vote for them.