Friday, September 29, 2006

Charlie Brown vs -- Oh, wait . . .

Doolittle still doesn't show up to defend his sorry arse, but sends reliable Republican hack Doug Ose to lose his battle.

Good interview by KCRA's reporters with video (from the comments -- thanks!). Check it out.

Monday, September 25, 2006

News Weak Pravda

The further infantilization of the American people. The rest of the world gets the debacle in Afghanistan. The US gets "my life in pictures."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Another Reason to Vote Democratic, No Matter Your Party

But really, how can anyone with a shred of real morality (as opposed to fake, show morality) want to be a member of the Republican Party, the Torture Party?

This diary at DailyKos is about Paul Krugman's explanation for why George W. Bush wants to torture people, knowing torture doesn't work.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

What A Great Guy!

How can you look at this guy and not be enthusiastic about his candidacy! CHARLIE BROWN FOR CONGRESS!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Guest Commercial

Doolittle Facts

This piece was made by Nate, who is leaving beautiful Hawaii to come work on the Charlie Brown campaign. Ain't citizenship grand!

Same Song Next Verse: Doolittle is Corrupt -- Very

Who do you think finds himself on the list of the 20 most corrupt in Congress?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Note to Self: Don't Vote For Warner

I just read something that helped me decide never to vote for Mark Warner. I'm noting it here to refer to in the future, so if the subject becomes germane I can remind myself that Mark Warner is stupid.

Warner Says Kerry Shouldn't Have Targeted Bush Tax Cuts
Mark Warner (D) told Iowans that Democrats "have taken the wrong approach in arguing against tax cuts enacted under President Bush, singling out former Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry's campaign as a reason the message did not resonate in 2004," the Des Moines Register reports.

"In order to appeal to more voters, the party ought to avoid alienating wealthier Americans."

Said Warner: "Even though the Bush tax cuts only applied to the top 2 percent of Americans, what I think the Kerry campaign missed was that the other 98 percent of Americans still aspired to get to the point in their life where they could qualify for the tax cuts."

Monday, September 18, 2006

More Weirdness With John Doolittle and Bookkeeping

This is one of John Doolittle's on line reports for salaries paid to his staffers:

Rep. John Doolittle (R-California-4th)
Displaying salaries for time period: 01/01/06 - 03/31/06

Payee Name Start date End date Position Amount Notes
Barton, Cynthia Elaine 01/01/06 01/02/06 Caseworker $211.11
Blackann, Laura Beth 01/01/06 01/02/06 Shared Employee $27.77
Blankenberg, Daniel W 01/01/06 01/02/06 Leadership Director $833.33
Costantini, Danielle R 01/01/06 01/02/06 Staff Assistant $166.66
Dodge, Candace 01/01/06 01/02/06 Staff Assistant $33.33
Franco, Martha L 01/01/06 01/02/06 Executive Assistant $311.11
Goitein, Evan V 01/01/06 01/02/06 Legislative Assistant $178.88
Hansen, Dain 01/01/06 01/02/06 Legislative Assistant $172.22
Harlow, Amy H 01/01/06 01/02/06 Staff Assistant $166.66
Jensen, Brian 01/01/06 01/02/06 District Director $427.77
Larrabee, Jason 01/01/06 01/02/06 Legislative Director $427.77
Lopez, Jodi A 01/01/06 01/02/06 Part-time Employee $33.33
Parilo, Christopher 01/01/06 01/02/06 Field Representative $277.77
Perkins, Alisha 01/01/06 01/02/06 Executive Assistant $305.55
Robinson, Richard J 01/01/06 01/02/06 Chief of Staff $861.11
Stewart, Cody 01/01/06 01/02/06 Shared Employee $55.55
Valuck, Jeffrey 01/01/06 01/02/06 Legislative Correspondent $167.77
17 results

This is supposed to be a report for three months, yet it seems to only cover two days. Is there no end to Doolittle's contempt for the rules?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Barbara Jordan on the Constitution during Watergate

Are you?

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

We Can't Afford Republican Rule

Body Armor: How do you think Doolittle voted?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Beginning of the End

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with these people. By these people, I mean Republicans. I truly don't understand how they could actually mean it when they say nice things about the likes of George W. Bush and John Doolittle.

Then something happens to renew my hope for my fellow citizen.

Monday, September 11, 2006

TPM reader to kos to *xyz to firedoglake to blogolodeon

to you:

Responding to the coming GOP smear campaign
by kos
Mon Sep 11, 2006 at 04:07:02 PM PDT
Every Democrat in a rough race, and even those in less competitive contests, are about to get hit by the greatest slime wave of Rove’s career. They’ve got nothing to lose at this point.

A TPM reader has the perfect Dem response:

Stay focused on one and only message — “You — the Voters — have ONE DAY to hold the Bush Administration accountable for what’s happened in Iraq, and here at home. ONE DAY — election day. If you like the way things are going, vote Republican. If you think things need to change, VOTE DEMOCRATIC. Seize the day. It’s your very last chance.”

At the end of the day, it’s really that simple.

TPM reader to kos to *xyz to firedoglake to blogolodeon

Also: In Memorium

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Jesus' General Explains It All For You

The Propagandists

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Why It Matters

Here is a post by Taylor Marsh about the Raytheon vs Trophy fiasco that will result in more death and maiming of our troops.

Is there no limit to what this Republican Congress will accept in the name of corporate profits?

It matters who wins in the CA-04 this November. Charlie brown will not stand for this kind of crap.

UPDATE: Check out this link of a diary at DKos re some important programs coming up on PBS. The first, October 4, will be about the Abramoff scandal. Bill Moyers is once again on the job!

For Your Research Pleasure

. . . or disgust, as the case may be. Feeling better, but not quite back. Meanwhile, here is some work Think Progress has done on the links between John Doolittle and Jack Abramoff.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hope It's the Good Guy Flu

Sorry no posts recently. I've caught some creeping crud. Laying on couch with tea and rewatching entire Battlestar Galactica series. . . Will report for duty ASAP.