Monday, July 10, 2006

Charlie Brown Challenges John Doolittle to Debates

From the Charlie Brown For Congress website:

July 10, 2006

The Honorable John T. Doolittle
John T. Doolittle for Congress
4120 Douglas Blvd., #306-283
Granite Bay, CA 95746

Fax To: (202) 225-5444; (916) 786-6364; (916) 200-0328

Dear Congressman Doolittle:

I am looking forward to competing with you for the honor of representing the people of California’s 4th District in Congress. The purpose of this letter is to challenge you to a series of debates in advance of the November 2006 election.

Elections aren’t just about issues—they’re also about leadership, people, and perhaps most importantly, choices. As a 26 year Air Force Officer, a father, and a taxpayer, I know these choices ultimately have profound consequences: lives, jobs, our nation’s security, our children’s future, and our quality of life hang in the balance.

That’s why we have a responsibility to provide voters with an unfiltered examination of the experience, values and vision we offer, and a clear choice with respect to the real life day to day challenges facing our district, our country, and our Congress. Instead of two partisans speaking at each-other through the press, we can meet as two Americans conducting a civil discourse about the best way to move our country forward.

In this vein, topics for our debates might include:

* Iraq
* The War on Terror
* Emerging Threats/North Korea and Iran
* Supporting our Military
* Homeland Security and Emergency Response
* Spending Priorities/Balancing the Budget
* The Economy/Tax Policy/Jobs/Trade
* Education/The Achievement Gap
* Gas prices and Energy Policy
* Healthcare/Access and Affordability
* Retirement Security
* Veterans Aftercare
* Ethics in Congress and Lobbying Reform
* Water Security and Flood Control
* Local Infrastructure
* The Environment, Land Use & Development
* Protecting Constitutional Liberties

During the past several weeks, my campaign has been contacted by numerous television and radio outlets across Northern California, expressing their desire to cover Doolittle-Brown debates. All we have to do is put together a schedule of times and locations, and work out the format for each forum. There are, as you know, many suitable hosts.

Given the broad geographic area covered by the 4th CD, and the diverse array of local concerns faced by its residents, I believe that fairness demands we give as many people the opportunity to witness/participate in the process as possible. I think this objective can be reached if we can agree to at least one forum in each of the following regions: El Dorado County, Western Placer County, Eastern Placer County (Tahoe Area), Nevada County, and a north county forum in Alturas, Susanville, Quincy, or Loyalton—(a minimum of 5 debates in total).

In accordance with the great traditions of our democracy, I would also request that at least one debate be conducted as a town hall meeting, so that the people of the 4th CD can openly ask questions of each candidate on the issues they consider most important. This seems only fair since it is “the people” for whom elected leaders bear the responsibility of service, and the obligation of direct dialogue.

My campaign staff stands ready to work with yours in executing this crucial component of the democratic election process. Please feel free to send your response by mail, or contact my Communications Director, Todd Stenhouse at (916) 397-1131 to begin working through the details.

I look forward to your prompt response and a vigorous campaign in the months ahead.


Lt. Col. Charles D. Brown, USAF Ret.
Democrat for Congress, California 4th District


Gonzalo I. Vergara said...

Good job. I have linked your site on mine:

Do Little is Do done

Go Charlie Go


spazeboy said...

Way off topic, but I wanted you to know I saw your comment at FDL and stopped by your site--then promptly added it to my blogroll.
