Monday, July 31, 2006

The Republicans Really Have to Go Part X

CSNY Freedom Of Speech Tour 2006

via Down With Tyranny

Sunday, July 30, 2006

What Good is a Phone When the Matrix is Rigged?

Do you read articles on the web? Some people don't. Lots of people surf, skim the waves, look at the seafoam, and feel the ocean breezes blow between their legs and through their hair. It's fun.

Sometimes you want to know what lies beneath. Read this post by Matt Stoller to understand some things about telephones, and managers, and where you have to be at noon.

You are living a reality the powers that be left years ago. In the long run, it will destroy everything we ever thought The United States of America stood for.

And the difference between them and you,
And I'll argue you are wrong
Is they would read this entire post and then read it again.

And act on it like effective bullies.

I have decided that, from today forward, I will give no money to a campaign that hires any of these sellout corporate asskissers.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Why Republicans Should Vote Democratic This Fall

Sometimes it takes tough love to let someone know they've gone the wrong way. Even political parties. It's time for this iteration of the Republican Party to go; for the good of the nation, this party must die. Read why honorable Republicans must vote for Charlie Brown over John Doolittle here.

That's the buzz, I tell ya, it's happening.

Charlie Brown for CA-04.

Look For the Union Label

Remeber that song? Apparently, Joe Lieberman did not. I love stories like this. I love it when sell-outs get busted for their selling out.

I can't tell which age ours most closely represents: Pre-revolutionary France or pre-Reform England, with its corrupt pocket boroughs. So many of our elected officials seem to think they "own" a pocket borough, people like Joe Lieberman and John Doolittle. It's not a party phenom, it's an aristocracy phenom.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Southern (Enlightenment) Strategy -- Through Music

Do you like Tim McGraw and Faith Hill? The Mavericks? Nancy Griffith?

Here is a great website/group people need to know about. Find out more by reading this diary at Daily Kos.

It's like seeds are being planted -- and nurtured -- yanno?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Joe Lieberman Sux

Another one from the trenches at YouTube.

oh, dearie me. What we gonna do when the kids get hold o' the Ministry O' Truth?

Friday, July 21, 2006

Lutrine Prestidigitation

Aww, how cute!

From YouTube, a time-out from our political dead-earnestness!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Doolittle Spending Priorities -- Trash the Other Guy

An article in today's Sacramento Bee says John Doolittle had to spend a million dollars to win his primary this year -- in a seat that has been one of the safest in the country for ages. While the article goes into the ongoing troubles of the scandaliferous Doolittle, one paragraph is interesting not for Doolittle muck but for Doolittle style.

A spokesman explains that the Doolittle campaign has spent that million bucks wisely and really on the general election:

"We have spent money all along to be successful in the general election, as well as the primary," Robinson said, citing as an example $5,438 paid to an Arizona company for opposition research on Brown, a retired Air Force officer and pilot.

We are not surprised when the Doolittle campaign brags about spending money to dig for dirt on its opponent. But it is truly creepy when you know the history of Charlie Brown, the retired Lt. Colonel running for the CA-04 seat.

Pombo Cancels Cacino Night

An alert from SherAn tells us Raw Story says Richard Pombo, "Mr. Anti-Environment," has canceled a planned Cacino Night fundraiser. Apparently, Pombo's ties to the Abramoff scandal made a "casino night" unpalatable to even Pombo's campaign.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Ha! (Said with intonation like Diane Keaton in "Sleeper")

So the "centrist" Democrats are crying because their funding is going dry!

Democracy Alliance also has left some Washington political activists concerned about what they perceive as a distinctly liberal tilt to the group's funding decisions. Some activists said they worry that the alliance's new clout may lead to groups with a more centrist ideology becoming starved for resources.

[above-linked WaPo article]

For so long now, progressives have been expected to stay in line with our votes and our money and shut up. After all, where else were we going to go? Well, we've found places to go with our money as well as our mouths. The progressive canditates we've longed for are reporting for the long slog.

To the centrists, I say: When you stand for nothing, don't cry when you find out no one stands with you for long.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Doolittle Votes AGAINST Voting Rights Act

Today the historic Voting Rights Act was reauthorized. John Doolittle, who represents us in congress, voted against it.

Do you understand what this means? John Doolittle represents me in congress. If you live in CA-04, he represents you. It means that we voted against the Voting Rights Act. That bastard.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Charlie Brown Challenges John Doolittle to Debates

From the Charlie Brown For Congress website:

July 10, 2006

The Honorable John T. Doolittle
John T. Doolittle for Congress
4120 Douglas Blvd., #306-283
Granite Bay, CA 95746

Fax To: (202) 225-5444; (916) 786-6364; (916) 200-0328

Dear Congressman Doolittle:

I am looking forward to competing with you for the honor of representing the people of California’s 4th District in Congress. The purpose of this letter is to challenge you to a series of debates in advance of the November 2006 election.

Elections aren’t just about issues—they’re also about leadership, people, and perhaps most importantly, choices. As a 26 year Air Force Officer, a father, and a taxpayer, I know these choices ultimately have profound consequences: lives, jobs, our nation’s security, our children’s future, and our quality of life hang in the balance.

That’s why we have a responsibility to provide voters with an unfiltered examination of the experience, values and vision we offer, and a clear choice with respect to the real life day to day challenges facing our district, our country, and our Congress. Instead of two partisans speaking at each-other through the press, we can meet as two Americans conducting a civil discourse about the best way to move our country forward.

In this vein, topics for our debates might include:

* Iraq
* The War on Terror
* Emerging Threats/North Korea and Iran
* Supporting our Military
* Homeland Security and Emergency Response
* Spending Priorities/Balancing the Budget
* The Economy/Tax Policy/Jobs/Trade
* Education/The Achievement Gap
* Gas prices and Energy Policy
* Healthcare/Access and Affordability
* Retirement Security
* Veterans Aftercare
* Ethics in Congress and Lobbying Reform
* Water Security and Flood Control
* Local Infrastructure
* The Environment, Land Use & Development
* Protecting Constitutional Liberties

During the past several weeks, my campaign has been contacted by numerous television and radio outlets across Northern California, expressing their desire to cover Doolittle-Brown debates. All we have to do is put together a schedule of times and locations, and work out the format for each forum. There are, as you know, many suitable hosts.

Given the broad geographic area covered by the 4th CD, and the diverse array of local concerns faced by its residents, I believe that fairness demands we give as many people the opportunity to witness/participate in the process as possible. I think this objective can be reached if we can agree to at least one forum in each of the following regions: El Dorado County, Western Placer County, Eastern Placer County (Tahoe Area), Nevada County, and a north county forum in Alturas, Susanville, Quincy, or Loyalton—(a minimum of 5 debates in total).

In accordance with the great traditions of our democracy, I would also request that at least one debate be conducted as a town hall meeting, so that the people of the 4th CD can openly ask questions of each candidate on the issues they consider most important. This seems only fair since it is “the people” for whom elected leaders bear the responsibility of service, and the obligation of direct dialogue.

My campaign staff stands ready to work with yours in executing this crucial component of the democratic election process. Please feel free to send your response by mail, or contact my Communications Director, Todd Stenhouse at (916) 397-1131 to begin working through the details.

I look forward to your prompt response and a vigorous campaign in the months ahead.


Lt. Col. Charles D. Brown, USAF Ret.
Democrat for Congress, California 4th District

Will Doolittle Stoop to Swiftboating Charlie Brown? No . . .

Because he won't have to bend over one degree. But doubt not, dear voter. Doolittle has never been known as a fair fighter. For a taste of what to expect, see this must-read article by Taylor Marsh on the trashing of John Murtha.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Down With Tyranny

I've added Howie Klein's Down With Tyranny to the blogroll. Go there now for more info re John Doolittle and his ways.

Friday, July 07, 2006

For Charlie Brown vs Against John Doolittle

Charlie Brown is simply a great candidate, and there are all kinds of reasons to vote for him. Come to the campaign grand opening in Roseville Monday and find out more!

But forget for a minute about why Brown is great. What I wonder is: How can someone want to vote for John Doolittle? As with Tom DeLay, what is the breaking point of embarrassment before a Republican says "no more!"? How far can the Republican Party ride on self-delusion?

Monday, July 03, 2006

Wiki Doolittle

UPDATE: from The Daily Muck

Interestng excerpt from John Doolittle's Wikipedia page:


In 2004, Doolittle's Democratic opponent raised only $2,300 and won only 35 percent of the vote. For that race, Doolittle took in more than $1 million in contributions. (Sacramento Bee, April 9, 2006)

What kind of politician needs more than a million dollars to beat a guy with around two grand? Where did all that money go? I'm just saying. The Wiki page has more interestng information.

John Doolittle is awful, and I'd vote against him no matter who was running. But the good news is, Charlie Brown is a cadidate I'm happy to vote for, no matter who might be running against him.